Every year, we ask our YPC students to write a brief essay or draw a poster that answers the question: What Does Music Mean to You?
And every year, we get so many wonderful expressions of their thoughts and feelings, through the written word, and drawings.
We select 3 posters and 3 essays to showcase at the concert, at the New Britain Public Library, and here, on our website.
We are delighted to inform you of this year’s winners
Poster Contest

Essay Contest Excerpts
“When I’m in the presence of music or surrounded by it, I feel free like I pressed pause and I don’t give a care in the world about what’s happening around me.”
Natalia K., DiLoreto School, New Britain
“A musical melody comes in many different forms, like a peaceful calm breeze or some sad blue tunes…it’s everything I like in one thing.”
Pratyush U., Martin Kellogg Middle School, Newington
“Music has, and continues to change my life by entertaining me, bringing joy to celebrations, enriching my personal life and creating holiday traditions. If I try to imagine a birthday party without music, it makes me shudder.”
Avery B., Hubbard School, Berlin
2024 Young People’s Concert Program Cover